Wednesday, December 17, 2008

28" Box jumps 2 sets 10 reps
Tabata box jumps 20"

20 sec on 10 off 8 rds
This was tough!

Rest 2 - 3 mins
Bench press
75lbsx5 - 95lbsx4 - 105lbsX3 - 115lbsx2 - 125lbsx1
work up to heavy single

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


HSPU sub L sit with back to a box over press 25lb DB's
Box jumps
Pistols(one leg squats)

The pistols felt awesome! Nice little workout!

Happy Monday!

Back squat

95lbs - 115lbs - 135lbs - 145lbs - 155lbs

Push jerks

95lbs - 115lbs - 125lbs - 135lbs

Weighted situps 20x2 with ab mat
KB swings 36lb single arm (6 on each, 5 on each etc.)

Starting to feel better with the heavy weights still not where I was but I'm getting more confident with the loads. Fun quick blaster at the end, woot woot!

Friday, December 12, 2008

YA Saturday....................

Partner workout for time:
100 - Deadlifts 65lbs
100 - Box jumps
100 - Hanging power cleans 65lbs
100 - situps
100 - Body rows
100 - DU's
100 - pushups
Split the 100 reps between you and your partner with only 1 person working @ a time.

20mins Rx'd

Thursday's WOD

7 Rounds
10 - DB split jerks 25lb DB
7 - Ring rows from a 20" box
10 - back extensions
10 - pushups
10 - wallballs 12lb

This was a gooder:)
Love training!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

Bench press
5X 85lbs - 5X 95lbs - 5X 105lbs - 3X 115lbs - 3X 115lbs

I know I could have got 5 on my fourth set but my mind is playing tricks on me :)

5 Rounds
7 - Thrusters 65lbs
7 - Burpees

7.10 Rx'd Burpees what a bitch!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Front squat
the weights don't matter and I'm not going to tell them haha! I have to work to get back where I was but I will get there:)

5 Rounds
9 - pull ups
9 - dips on the bench
6 - Hang power cleans 95lbs
25 - DU

Just turtled through! 3 weeks in ya baby!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

5 Rounds
10- bench press 85lbs
14 - pullups
10 - walking lunges with the sandbag on shoulder

Wasn't feeling 100% this am but got -r- done! Looking forward to the weeks to come!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Went to the 5:30 class, the oly lifting class and I'm super pumped about it but I had been waiting to meet Christine all day! So I did the start of the oly class and finished with the bitch!

Push Jerk
did a few sets not even sure the weight just getting back in the groove is what I want!
Front Squat
wasn't digging these today got to 145lbs but struggled.


3rds for time:
500m row
12 - deadlifts 155lbs
21 - box jumps

For once loved the rower ...................... Joke hate it! Deadlifts were hard too! Really just thought about finishing! :) This is one happy post, really loving training at CrossFit Langley again!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Have to admit when I saw this I thought partner WOD - no! I like to do things on my own but it worked out as my partner was awesome, thanks Jesse. We completed in
29 minutes not too shabby :)

Partner WOD
400m run
20-15-10 ring rows
8-6-4 sandbag clean and press 80lb/47lb
30-25-20 situps
2- L sit rope climb
30-25-20 air squats
20-20-20 kb swings 36lbs/25lb 10 per arm
400m run
You and your partner both run 400m then 1 partner does 20 ring rows while you do 20 ring rows then 15 and so on. So you are doing the whole workout but you get recovery while you wait for your partner to complete their portion, You are done when you both get back from the last 400m run.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hanging power cleans
75lbs - 95lbs - 105lbs - 117lbs - 117lbs
25 - 15 - 6
20 - 25 - 8
15 - 20 - 10
1st column pullups2nd column box jumps3rd column sand bags getups.
So wod goes like 25 pullups, 15 box jumps and 6 sandbag gets ups