Saturday, November 29, 2008

Friday's WOD

For time:
25 - wall ball 12lb
50 - box jumps
50 - k2e
2 - rope climbs
50 - pushups
50 - walking lunges
50 - back extensions
25 - wall ball 12lb

Nice blaster!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Big smiles today.......

...... Why? because it's Thursday that's why! M

Warm-up 100 Du's
I got 41 in a row right off the bat killed it!

Jacob's ladder
DL+H.power clean+f.squat+push press
repeat this sequence 5 times total.
Using DB's start with 10lbs and increase by 5lbs each set. Goal is to complete the ladder in under 10 minutes

@ 10 minutes I was @ 45lbs and completed 2 reps. Not bad but I got way more in me.
Time will tell:)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

REST DAY........

Yep needed it already, but I'll be back at her tomorrow:)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 2 what whaat...............

Power Snatch
Clean and jerk

Haven't done the Oly lifts in a while and boy did it feel good didn't go heavy, but not going to lie it felt heavy:) I love the clean and jerks by FAR my fav!

3 Rounds

10 - DB power snatches 20% BW
25 - situps
20 - DU's

Did it in 4 something and felt good!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm back.........

Front Squat


AMRAP in 15 minutes
6 HSPU off the box
6 Pullups
9 air squats

12 rounds
Not the best but for my first day back it felt GOOD!