Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Have to admit when I saw this I thought partner WOD - no! I like to do things on my own but it worked out as my partner was awesome, thanks Jesse. We completed in
29 minutes not too shabby :)

Partner WOD
400m run
20-15-10 ring rows
8-6-4 sandbag clean and press 80lb/47lb
30-25-20 situps
2- L sit rope climb
30-25-20 air squats
20-20-20 kb swings 36lbs/25lb 10 per arm
400m run
You and your partner both run 400m then 1 partner does 20 ring rows while you do 20 ring rows then 15 and so on. So you are doing the whole workout but you get recovery while you wait for your partner to complete their portion, You are done when you both get back from the last 400m run.

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