Thursday, July 31, 2008

M.I.A ....... Still

So I lied! No posts from me this week but next week I will get back on top of it! (starting Tuesday) Still trying to get use to my new routine:)

Monday, July 28, 2008


Okay so I have been M.I.A the past week. I have been doing my workoust just haven't posted them! I will be back in action today with the posts:)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

5K run

3 rounds
10 pull-ups
10 Ab wheels

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday's WOD

Warm - up

500m row
25 H. Power cleans 30lb DB's
500m row
25 Push press 30lb DB's
500m row
25 Ab wheels

60 - 40 - 20
Box Jumps
Air squat

Well the sweat was pouring on this one! Felt awesome got to train side by side with my super mum, what could be better:)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday July 17th

Warm - up
100 skips X 4 15 sec rest between sets

5 rounds
10 push-ups
10 KTE's
10 Dips
10 pull-ups
200m run

22 minutes Rx'd. Arms are pumped

Cool down nice country side roller blade:)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday WOD



185lbs - 195lbs - 205lbs - 215lbs - 225lbs

Felt good to deadlift a heavy load! No PR's but felt good:)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

Warm - up
hour and 30 minute bike ride with my super mummy around beautiful South Langley

4 rounds
15 OHS - 65lbs
15 pull - ups
200m run

Okay so I thought the the OHS would be the death of me today they were so freakin hard!

Bambi came to visit!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday and Sunday

Rest days!

Friday's WOD

5 Rounds

5 Deadlifts 185lbs
10 Burpees

This one was short and sweet! I wouldn't want to have done this one in the blazing sun in Cali!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

100 - Shoulder presses 65lb
Every time you put down the weight run 200m.

11.11 Rx'd
this is how this one went for me
I wanted longer runs, what a freakin shoulder burn!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

5 Rounds
5 - Power cleans 155/100lb
9 - Pullups
12 - Single DB Bench press 40lb (6 per side)

Holy crap the 40lbs was HEAVY! Moved like a turtle on this one!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

As many rounds in 20 minutes:
5 - Deadlifts 225/135
10 - Pushups
10 - Single arm DB snatches 35/25lb
200m run
9 + 5 DL's Rx'd

Before my workout my girl Robin from Lululemon joined me for a taste of x-fit and she did awesome. She took the bus all the way to Langley just to get her sweat on:)
Warm -up
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

3 Rounds

15 - B. Press 75lbs - 400m run
15 - B. Press 75lbs - 400m run
12 - B. Press 75lbs - 400m run
3 Rounds
15 - B squats 75lbs - 50 box step ups
15 - B squats 85lbs - 50 box step ups
10 - B squats 95lbs - 50 box step ups

Great workout!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

500m row
50-box step ups
500m row
25-wall ball
500m row

3 Rounds
6-Power snatch-OHS-B.squat-good morning-push press 55lbs
Most important is to use a weight that you can keep correct form. The weight only touches the ground for a split second, not as a rest.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I'm back ...........

5 Rounds
5 squat cleans 135/95lb
10 ab wheel rollouts
As many rounds in 10 minutes:
10 pullups
10 dips

Holy crap that was hard must of been a GOOD weekend oops ...... back at'er!