Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

Warm - up
hour and 30 minute bike ride with my super mummy around beautiful South Langley

4 rounds
15 OHS - 65lbs
15 pull - ups
200m run

Okay so I thought the the OHS would be the death of me today they were so freakin hard!

Bambi came to visit!


Jill said...

Bike riding? Awesome!!! But I noticed the absence of a helmet :)
Riding is the best way to take the scenery and enjoy the environment. Rock on!

Hollie said...

Oh that Jill:) Sounds like you had a nice ride with Mumsy. That is a shit load of OHS', I bet they were done in the sun too. Have a great eve.

Mia said...

I just took the helmet off for the photo shoot:) Come on Jill! Me break the law you know better!!!!!