Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Front Squat
10-10-10-10-10 reps
65lbs - 95lbs - 100lbs - 105lbs - 105lbs

I felt a little wimpy with the weights but I HATE hight reps and yes 10 is high to me give me heavy loads for 1 or 2 reps and I'm happy! My body is sore from yesterday boy!


Anonymous said...


I felt the same way with this WOD today. Havn't posted yet (later tonight) but I kept the weights managable to complete all 10 reps uninterupted with proper form. We sacrafice the weight to do the WOD as RX'd and in correct form don't we :)

Hollie said...

Nice job Mia, my body was a little sore after Murph too:)