Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Chasing the big boys...............

As many rounds in 20 minutes:
125m row
1-rope climb
10-ab mat situps
6-Hanging DB power snatches 35/50lbs

I got 8 rounds +KTE+ROW+Rope+AB mats Rx'd

I was chasing Joel and Chris!
My mum did awesome 5 round +KTE+Row Rx'd ya mummy!


Sheldon Mum said...

Lovely "little" WOD! Well, it feels lovely now that I'm showered. Still gonna kick some butt on Saturday!

Leanna said...

nice job today MIA! Sheldon mum, can't wait to see you Saturday! It seems like Its been a while. The challenge will be fun!!

Anonymous said...

Way to chase those boys Mia, gotta keep them in line. How did they fare. Tell Mumsy she's so cuuttteee!!!