Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday already!

Sunday was awesome rode both my horses and played with my baby (horse) It is defiantly time to get my ponies CrossFit and ready for the show season:)

5 rounds
7 Front squats 95lbs
5 DB power cleans & Push Jerk 35lbsX2
12 Ab mat situps
3 Rounds
5 - weighted pullups -use a weight that you can just get 5 reps
10 - ring dips
my weight first and second 5 used the belt with 15lbs just did one at a time
3rd 4x used 10lb DB then 1X 15lb DB was feeling pretty good and Hollie was pushing my butt did 2 with 20lb DB, sweet! Ring dips felt pretty good!
Hard to get myself going today and that darn Hollie was cracking me up through the first workout it was tough.

Okay super impressed with people today! Leanna did weighted pull-ups with a 40lbs DB Brent fired out 7 MU’s and he’s only been x-fitting just over a month and both Chad and Leanna got a ring dip. It is amazing how strong the body and mind get doing CrossFit there is nothing quite like it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hah happy to finally get a ring dip =) as well as figuring out the transition for the MU good day yesterday hoping to set some new pr's today !!!!!