Thursday, April 24, 2008


5 Rounds
7-Thruster 30lb DB's
7-Tree Pullups
9.30 rx'd

Thanks coach C for this one just had to put a bit of a twist on it! I know if I did this one at the gym I would a killed it, I definately had more in me to give, but I had to break my pull-ups up or the branch would have probably snapped then I would have know for sure I'm eating 2 many cookies. I had my super mum there taking pictures and cheering me on when I was finished she did a mini WOD of 3 rounds 10 DB swings 10 push-ups 10 sit-ups and just freakin blasted it!


Jill said...

That is so cool! I love the creativity!

Leanna said...

you too are so cute
cute fire breathing dragons :P
is that an oxymoron?