Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wednesday WOD

3 Rounds
6 - Power snatch - OHS - back squat - good morning - push press - bent over row
Do not let the weight rest on the ground 53lb - 63lb - 67lb

3 Rounds
10 - Hang squat cleans 75lbs
2 min box step ups

3 Rounds
12 - Front squats 75lbs
500m row @ 2 min pace

Holy tough one batman! Hollie fun fun fun with YOU!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

7 Rounds
10 - pullups
10 - box jumps
10 - DB split snatches 30lb DB
10 - Ab wheels

13.16 RX'd

How you like them apples:) Maybe I need less apples so I can get my butt moving faster!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday's WOD

Push Press 10 X75lbs
8 X85lbs
6 X95lbs
4 X115lbs
2 X120lbs
2 X125lbs
2 X130lbs

Squat clean
8 X95lbs
6 X105lbs
4 X110lbs
2 X120lbs
2 X125lbs
1 X136lbs PR
1 X141lbs PR

250m row X4
7 push press 35lb DB's X4
7 Pullups X4
7 Situps X4


Sunday, June 22, 2008

5k day!

5k run 27. something (not a PR)
5k bike 12. something (need to go longer)

My bloody knee was hurting while running so now it's time for ice and advil:)

Friday, June 20, 2008

June 20th Super mummy's birthday!

Today I get to spend the whole day with one of the most amazing women on earth..... MY MUM! Happy Birthday!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

11 Rounds

5 KB swings
5 Box jumps
5 K2E
5 Sandbag to shoulder
5 Goblet squats 45lb

Rx'd 12.32

Front Squat

3 Rounds
10 Burpees jump over a heavy bag(working lateral movement)
20 single arm DB swing 35lb
14 ab wheels
7 pullups
RX'D 8.45
The pullups were then break on this one so that says it all coming from ME!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

11 Rounds

  • 5 - Sandbag power cleans
  • 5 - Pistols (one legged squats)
  • 5 - Burpees
  • 5 - K2E
  • 100m row
24.10 Rx'd
Tough yet a great sense of satisfaction! :)

Monday's WOD

Warm-up 400m jog

Back Squat
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups

Body rows
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips

I saw this WOD and though sweet just what I'm up for today but those bloody squats were hard. Just happy to get-r-done!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Pictures coming soon
3 Rounds
Row 20sec on 10sec off 4x
2 - min of 5 pullups and 7 pushups

This one beat me up that rower sure takes it out of you and if you think the rower is fun PULL HARDER! Didn't count my rounds in the 2 min but I was struggling!

As many rounds in 10 minutes of:
9 - SDHP 65
9 - Dips on station
9 - Situps
200m run

Challenging yet rewarding! My dips were a struggle but the last WOD was an awesome blast I love doing the short runs!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

500m row
500m row
20-Ab wheels
500m row
15- Push press 65lb

3 Rounds
10-Stiff leg deadlifts 85lbs

3 Rounds
20-deadlifts 125lb
Finish with 40 walking lunges

Hard yet satisfying!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

5 Rounds
5-Power cleans 95lbs
5-DB Bench press 40lbx2db
rest 60sec and repeat
I love strength training!

5 Rounds for time:
10-db split snatches 30lbs (5 per side)
10-Ring push ups
2-rope climbs

Finished in 8min something Rx'd the whole WOD today made my arms tired:)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Barbell complex
6X -
The 95lbs felt heavy but finished Rx'D

3 Rounds
6 - pullups
6 - pushups
6 - push press (sandbag)
6 - DB swings 45lb
6 - K2E

Don't know my time but completed Rx'd

What does Rx'd mean? That you preform exactly what the workout is. The awesome thing about Crossfit is that everything is scalable to the level of the athlete the goal is to Rx all workouts but most athletes take time to build up to a CrossFit WOD.

No training this weekend it was all about Brianne and David's "BIG DAY"

Friday, June 6, 2008

Front squats
115lbs - 125lbs - 145lbs
Bench press
85lbs - 95lbs - 105lbs

Ring dips
3 sets of max reps These were barley happening today I think I got 2 in a row SWEET:) Okay what can I say I think my body was tired....... holy excuses!!!!!
14 ab wheel 4X's

Holy crap was I dragging my ass today! Just basically went through the motions to get r done

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Team Ladder
5 - Rounds 1-3 Push jerk @ 80%BW
I used 115lbs and my arms were spent by round 2! I worked with the super team Chad and Leanna & got-r-done:)

1 - Set each arm 1-4 TGU 35lb
Right arm really was no problem left arm was a little harder thats for sure.

1-10-1 Elevated pushups feet must be higher than hands

Unfortunately I didn't get to finish this part as we were running over time and my bootcamp crew was ready to rock and roll! I got to the first set of 9 and I was struggling bad that was one tough SOB! I'll have to try and make up for that today:)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

5 Rounds
7 - Hanging DB cleans 30lb DB's
15- DU's
4-Sandbag around the world

My DU's sucked today which is frustrating because usually I can fire those bad boys out! All felt good 8:02 Rx'd

Weighted Pullups
5-5-5-5 15lb DB
All broken up I have a real challenge with these bloody things but it's slowly getting better. CrossFit can always point out your weakness but it's about over coming them and working with what you got. Everyone has their own strengths & weaknesses!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Monday's WOD

3 Rounds
Rowing 20 sec. on 10 sec. off 4x
2 - minutes of 5 pushups and 5 pullups

The rows felt good my legs were getting a good pump. Not sure how many rounds I got of the push & pulls but I wasn't moving super fast I was actually being a bit of a wimp because my hands are sore:)

4 Rounds
6 - Sandbag to shoulder full clean + 12 sandbag getups

This one was awesome I love this sort of training!

Sunday, June 1, 2008