Wednesday, April 16, 2008

3 rounds
Row 20 sec on 10 sec off 4x
then 2 minutes of 5 pushups and 5 pullups
rest 2 min and repeat

This was super tough! The rower was really taking it out of me but I saw that bad boy hit the high 1.30's a few times. I didn't count my push-ups and pull-ups but I didn't stop moving. Recovery was tough today it could have been all the cookies I ate at the Langley Christian School though:)

As many rounds in 10 minutes
5 - power snatches 50lb
5- ring dips
5- ab wheels
5 - hang db squat cleans 30lbs DBs

6 rounds + the power snatches and 10 seconds to spare just didn't want to face the ring dips again. Rx'd

I really liked this one but those bloody ring dips just don't seem to get any easier.


Surrey Sterling said...

Cookies Mia! Say you didn't! Just kidd'in tell me they were at least Girl guide cookies! Nice work Mi oh Mi!

Anonymous said...

Way to rock that thing girl:)

Mia said...

You better believe it yummy yummy home made cookies! I mean how can you say no to home made goodies! Back on track now:)