Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Never say die............

Well today was one of the toughest mental battles I have had. I think I wanted to quit ever round but I thought of my super girl Leanna and there was no way I was going to let her down:)

I would like to thank Coach Clarke for his WOD making skills this was a tough B&%#* just had to make some slight adjustments.

500m row
10 - H.Power cleans push press 30lb DB's

Rows where so hard first one I rowed a 1:49 and the next 2 were low 1:50's. The H. Power cleans and push press were all mental!

2minute break

20 DB swings 35lbs
20 Pushups
20 Walking Lunges 30lbs DB's
20 Ab wheels

I was making a career of this one it took me about 15mintues and I'm still buzzing 2 hours later:) I sure am missing my CF Langley crew you are ALL some bad ass fire breathers!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mia. Ya that was a tough one. Way to power through it :)

Mia said...

Thanks anonymous! Super tough:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mia missed having my training partner, I hope all is well Super girl! Drop me a line.

Leanna said...

Aw, Mia your such a sweety. Good job on this wod, way to git-r-done :)

Hollie said...

Believe me I know what you were feeling:) Way to break in that rower:) You are a Super Girl!!!

Surrey Sterling said...

Training solo is very difficult, I speak from experience. Nice work on staying focused and getting it done Mia! Not easy when there's no one else to base your performance on. Stay strong!

Mia said...

Thanks Sterling! Yep it is different but I won't let it stop me!

Anonymous said...

I was the anonymous comment. i was at work and couldnt over come the fierce firewall. i guess im not supposed to be blogging while im working overtime and getting paid over a dollar a minute :) I`m a brat :)

Surrey Sterling said...

Eh welcome back Mia! See you Saturday rockstar!