Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First time for "Helen"

So coach lent me the KB for my lululemon photo shoot tomorrow and I thought I'd take advantage of it and pump out the lovely lady "Helen"

3 rounds
400m run
21 KB Swings
12 pull-ups

9.55 Rx'd

My goal was sub 10 so I'm pleased! What a short nasty bitch though:)


Leanna said...

Holy F*&(8 you are freekin nuts girl. That is an AWESOME time. good job!!! I want to know how that photoshoot went, talk to you soon!

Coach Clarke said...

Great job Mia on doing "Helen" in sub 10. Best of luck on your photo shoot I hope all goes well for you.

Surrey Sterling said...

Yizzer! Sub 10, you should be very proud of that. I'll be stoked with sub ten!