Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So my back is still bugging me but I got a call from lululemon today saying my photo shoot is next week so not training is just not an option so I designed a workout that I thought I could handle and it kicked my butt!

10 rounds for time
5 Goblet squats 35lb DB
5 Deadlift 135lbs (didn't want to go heavier because of my back)
5 Push ups
5 Pull-ups
150m row

Mia 21.06 Rx'd
Stacey 25.13
Super Mummy 26.20 (jumping pull-ups)


Leanna said...

Way to work girls! great times! Mumzy I miss you!

Hollie said...

Awesome job girls. Looks like a bit of a s#$@kicker. Congrats on the lulu photo shoot. About time they get some real strong women up on those walls:)