Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So I thought I was going to give my body a weeks rest because my back is hurting a little but after watching my girl Stacey blast through a nasty WOD I thought this is not a spectator sport. So I worked around my little pain and did
500m Row
70 Strict press 45lb bar
70 Front Squats 45lb bar
70 KTC (the KTE were a little 2 painful)
500m Row

Nothing crazy just a little blaster to get the heart going! I broke everything into 10's!
No rest for the wicked!:)


Anonymous said...

I was gonna ask you about the week off...I was thinking maybe an injury. Back pain sucks. Hope it gets better soon. Funny I tweeked my back last week too and thought rest...don't rest...Ahh screw it keep going, it's just pain and it's way too hard to just watch! Hey I was wanting to ask you how your muscle up is coming along? I want to start working on them, do you have any tips on practicing? They are soooo F*#king hard! Oh and the Farmfit Box is looking excellent!

Mia said...

Ya rest is not fun but sometimes the best thing! I haven't practice a MU in awhile I got really close at the gym but I'll get back at her soon. I found jumping into the transition was helping just to get the feel, yes they are f%&king hard but I know you'll get one in no time. You are one strong little lady keep my posted on the progress:)

Hollie said...

Hey my girl, glad to see you made it through a work out. Hope your feeling better soon:)