Saturday, March 29, 2008

Workout of the Day

Power clean
max single

75lbs X3 - 105lbsX1 - 115X1 - 125lbs X1

Push Jerk
max single

45lbs X5 - 95lbs X2 - 115lbs X1 - 135lbsX1 - 150lbsX1 - 155lbs X1 PR

Back squat
max single

95X4 - 155X1 - 185X1 Just wasn't feeling the BS today so I stopped there.

1 sets of max kipping pullups

29 PU's PR

alternate each round with 10 sandbag TGU 50lb

Thursday, March 27, 2008

500m row
25 - box steps
500m row
25 - ring dips
500m row
25 - K2E
500m row
25 - ab wheels
500m row
25 wall ball

24.37 Rx'd

Well well well this was fun! The ring dips were tough they did slow me down but the plus was I got some time to recover from that bloody rower:) The wall ball to finish it all off was a nice little treat! Gotta love it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Barbell Complex
DL+Row+HP clean+F squat+PP+B squat+P jerk
Do 6 reps and do not let the bar touch the ground, only for a moment for DL Not for rest until you have done the complex
1st - 50lbs
2nd - 65lbs
3rd - 75lbs
4th - 85lbs
Rest a little between sets 2min max

Holy butt kicker! My traps were on FIRE! This one is all about mental toughness and just get r done!

3 rounds for time
20 - pullups
5 - Sandbag Zurcher squats 50lbs
10- DB snatches 30lb (5 per side)

This one was good I broke all my pull-ups into 5's but my hands were hurting the other exercises were the rest!

So my super butt kicking mother just ROCKS! She did her 1st pull-up of many today, way to go super mum. Oh ya she will be turning 61 in June!

I hear A LOT "I have to get into shape before I start your program" that is FALSE. Anyone, YES anyone, can do CrossFit. Every workout can be designed just for each athlete. I couldn’t do ONE pull-up less than a year ago now there is no holding me back! If you know someone who needs to get in shape ASK them what the heck are you waiting for DEATH! We will be offering a bootcamp class which will teach people the foundations of CrossFit in a non-intimidating environment and we will still be offering private foundations, so send them to us @ CrossFit Langley 604-514-8707!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bench press - 75lb
Goblet squat - 35lb
Box jump
Deadlift - 95lb

I was happy that Coach DC wasn't trying to kill us with heavy loads today! Haven't done a 95lb DL in a very long time but it all still kicked my butt! LOVE CROSSFIT!

Monday, March 24, 2008

More rest for me

I'm taking full advantage of another rest day and enjoying the sun.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


A family like no other all are super fire breather's and kick some serious butt! I miss these guys and hope they're having a sweet time in Maui. Of course they are getting in lots of WOD's at the beach and at CrossFit Maui!

By the way you guys picked a prefect time to go away because it is pouring rain here.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

5 rounds
5 - DB burpee thusters 30lb DB's
5 - 155lb B.Squat 1st round and a 1/2 then dropped to 145lbs BS
7 L-pullups

3 rounds
18 Box Jumps
10 Single arm split Jerk 30lb DB's (5 per side)

Okay today was kicking my ASS! I had to drop the weight on my back squat by 10lbs which I have never had to do but if I didn't I would have been there all day and I was already making a career of this one. Those Burpee thrusters were not helping the BS L-pullups were tough but the easiest of the 3 I had to do kipping L-pullups but they felt better than at the beginning of the week. 2nd little 3 rounder was a good little blast all felt good on that one and I finished right behind Sterling #3 baby!

The picture is of Wini my mini in her slimmer days it is time to get her on the Zone and doing some X-Fit!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

75lbsX3 - 95lbsX3 - 105lbsX3 - 115lbsX3 - 125lbsX1

100 DU's

I was happy with my OHS but I just got a little off balance and lost the 125 on my 2nd rep and thought that was good for today now I'm wishing I went agian:) Du's were good 1st set I did 32 but the last 20 were sloppy! Working on that bloddy MU today so close I just have to be more focused on it and practice more! Does it never end... Nope that's why it is so addictive I LOVE CROSSFIT! Check out the super fam in Maui

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ladders baby 3-2-1 GO

10 - 1
Deadlift 155lbs
wall ball 12lbs
L pull-ups
NO REST right into the next ladder
Box step ups
walking lunge 35lb DB's

WOW! This kicked my ASS! The cool thing about this wod was I had my bad ass mum (60years young) right beside me lifting the same weight on the DL's how freakin awesome is that. L pull-ups were sloppy I did have to do them with a kip I just can't do them strict, YET! 2nd ladder the lunges were the toughest. Boy did I enjoy those sit-ups. Yet again another awesome wod designed by the Master! Thanks Coach:)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Michelle takes this WOD........... way to go girl!

As many rounds as you can do in 20 minutes
150m row
10 Kettle Bell swings
7 Ab wheels
5 ring dips

6 rounds + row/KB's & Ab wheel Rx'd

Oh crap those ring dips were tough I was doing them in singles with a 5 - 15 second rest in between each one, that sucks!!!!Only way to get better is to do them:) Everything else felt pretty good.

Man Michelle did awesome she Rx'd this WOD with 7 rounds + 5Ab wheels way to go girl your kicking some serious ass! See people drinking out of pink water bottles makes you bigger, faster, stronger:)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Workout of the Day

3 Rounds
500m row @ about a 1.55 pace for all 3 rows
10 - H. Power clean+push press 65lb
rest 2 min and repeat
Yet again harder than it looks my forearms were screaming!

3 Rounds for time:
10 - Front squat 135/95lb
10 - Pullups
10 - Weighted situps on ab mat 15lbx2DB

My shoulders were sore going into the workout (I guess from Sat???) but boy did they burn while doing the front squats. I think the squats were the hardest today.

Got to train a guy that was a stunt man for the movie 300 how cool is that! I'm hoping we will see him more often if his schedule permits this guy will defiantly be with the fire breathers.

Training the kids today I got them to jump on the rower. Man they were excited! They have done it before but of course they wanted to do the fish game highest score of the day was 1515! Have you ever played the fish game? Maybe a way to work on technique and have some fun:)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rest Day......

...... Well not really this picture was taken when my whippet Izzi-B was just a babe! I would call it active rest today! I'm off to enjoy the weather with my ponies. Fraser has his jumping clinic today and Argos gets to go for a nice hack:) Then I get to go to my first "staff" meeting at lululemon.
Have fun De Boer's I'm going to miss you guys. Keep track of all the workouts you do I want to hear all about them:)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Work out of the Day

10 B squats 135/95
10 B jumps
8 B squats 185/115
8 B jumps
6 B squats 225/145
6 B jumps
4 B squats 245/175
4 B jumps
7 Rounds
5 burpee's
5 Hanging DB power cleans 55lbx2/35lbx2
5 Weighted pullups 45lb/15lb
5 ab wheel


Freakin awesome workout I love sets of 5 really the only thing I had to break up were the weighted pull-ups everything else I just blasted straight through. I was buzzing good after this one, I LOVE CROSSFIT!

After CrossFit it was off to my first jumping clinic with my young horse Fraser. It started off a little rough but once all the excitement wore off he was amazing. I was one proud mama!

Okay so at first I was hating the time change but now with the evenings stay light late it is awesome. My other horse Argos was a little jealous that he didn't get to go in a clinic so I took him out for a road hack around my neighborhood now all my ponies are happy:)

1st picture is Argos & 2nd picture is Fraser!

I love X-FIT!

My home away from home! I love this place and I love CrossFit! I have been lifting weights and training Martial Arts for over 11 years I thought I found what I was looking for both made me feel awesome but then CrossFit entered my life there is nothing like it. No it is not like boot camp and it is not just a fitness craze it is a life style once you go CrossFit and I mean really DO it there is no going back! I will always do and love Martial Arts but I will never yes never do a "regular" BB style workout! My goal is that the word gets out to more and more people to stop wasting their time it's time to get super fit and join some CrossFit!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Workout of the Day

500m row @ 2 min pace
50 - Box step ups
20 - OHS 45lb bar
30 - ab mat sit-ups
rest 2 min and repeat 2 more times
On the last round finish and do 25 burpee's and 25 double unders

This was crazy I thought I was getting off easy when I looked at the WOD you think I'd know better by now but this was HARD my legs were so pumped. On all the rows I kept it under 2 mins I think around 1.56 for all three. The OHS were not so much fun but boy does it feel good when it's over you feel like a SUPERSTAR!

I got good news today I applied to be a lululemon ambassador and I got it, very cool! So I will be going to the Metrotown location to do a few seminars on CrossFit and Martial Arts, giving feed back on the clothing and I also get a photo shoot and a poster of ME in the store for a month, very cool:)

Last night was our night at the Military base the group did awesome. Even though they were cursing at us just a little:) Their WOD was
4 rounds
400m run
50 air squats
the best time was around 11 minutes and slowest was around 20 but all in all they it great. We look forward to training with them again next week.

Pictures are form yesterday's WOD

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

5 Rounds for time
125m row
6 - Power cleans 95lb
12 - Box jumps 20"
10 - Pullups

15.30 Rx'd

This workout kicked my ass! I was super nervous before and opted out of doing the big box thank goodness because my legs were fried last 2 rounds I did step-up because I was more efficient After that we did some weighted dips and pull-ups. My hands were killing with the pull-ups I managed to do 9 singles with a 15lb DB. Dips I did with the belt 3x with 20lbs and 2 sets of 3 with 15lbs.
Training a new client today so I took her on 3 400m runs she told me how much she hates running I said welcome to the club. Nice to be out in the fresh air I’m really looking forward to some hot summer training!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

CrossFit Total

So today I decided to do my CrossFit total because I have never done it! CF total is Max Back Squat Max Strict Press Max Deadlift. I had a plan going in but that changed as it sometimes does:)

Back Squat 175lbs - 195lbs - 205lbs
Strict Press
85lbs - 95lbs failed - 90lbs
260lbs - 290lbs - 295lbs failed
Total = 585

All in all I'm pretty happy with my score but of course not satisfied:) I really wanted over 600. Back Squat felt good. Deadlift I hit a new PR by 3lbs so I'll take that. AS for Strict Press this is a very humbling exercise and extremely tough if you can just get it past that one spot your golden I really wanted bigger #'s on this one, well all of them I wanted bigger #'s:)

Monday, March 10, 2008


Muscle snatch

Front squat
135lbsX5 -150lbsX3 -160lbsX2 -165lbsX1 failed @ 170lbs
Just no feeling it today so I stop after the 170 attempt sometimes I think you just have to know when to stop I know I have more in the tank. My superstar ladies were doing awesome today watched my mum get a PR of a 125lbsX1 and super Hollie get 135lbs X1 Way to go! (PS I think next I would start lighter on the FS:)

3 rounds for time
10 - DB Hanging squat cleans 20%BW used 30lb DB's
20- Pullups
This was tough (okay I think I always say that) but I felt like a slug:) Last set of pull-ups felt good I just got more aggressive and remembered how I should always train 1st 2 rounds I was just getting it done but that is not good enough so round 3 I really pushed it! No time on this one I forget to set my watch!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sleepy time!

Did a whole lotta nothing today and loved it! Resting my body eating Zone Friendly for fast recovery getting ready for the week ahead .

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday F-U-N

H. Power clean/F.Squat/Push Jerk
5/5/3 65lbs 2 sets
4/4/3 75lbs 2 sets
3/3/3/ 95lbs 2 sets
awesome technique felt really good and weight was light

Bent over rows/Pull-ups to chest
8/8 65lbs
8/8 75lbs
8/8 95lbs
8/8 75lbs
Pull-ups were great no problems with the rows

Ring dips/Ab wheel
Oh my the ring dips are tough it took my awhile but I finished and did all the dips, yippee!

Friday, March 7, 2008

REST DAY........

....... and boy is my body happy! Rx'd

Thursday, March 6, 2008

7 Rounds
10 - Ring pushups
10 - Box jumps
7 - Deadlifts 225lb/135lb
125m row
7 - Wall balls 20lb/12lb to 10ft high target

19.05 Rx'd

My body is tired today really had a tough time pushing myself through it today but having Coach D grunt it out beside me helps even though he laped me, bastard! Even the DL's felt heavy today!

Last night was great sharing our love of X-Fit at the Aldergrove Military base. The men and one woman did awesome. We will be visiting them on a weekly bases to put them through a "WOD"
yesterdays WOD was
7 rounds
7 Thurster (using a 35lb box)
7 Burpees
10 box jumps
1 farmers walk carring 2 jerry cans filled with water.
(I even got to hold a weapon, sweet!)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Back squat - BW 145lbs
The squats were slow going but well worth the effort!

Single arm DB split snatch - 20% BW did more than 20% went to a 35lb DB
Body rows - tough
Always fun grunting through a tough one with super Hollie:)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

Squat cleans
felt good doing the cleans but I feel like I haven't done them in awhile technique needs work I need to get under the bar faster.
Push jerks
95lbs-115lbs-125lbs-145lbsX1 PR - 150lbsX1 PR
Felt really strong doing the jerks technique felt awesome went for 160 but failed I think I was just getting over excited next time:)
3 Rounds
15-dips on the dip station (hard as heck had to break them into 2's on the 2nd and 3rd round)
15-Box jumps
The 3 rounder was tough I felt like I was hardly moving my body felt spent.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Because that's how I roll.......

New PR 287lbs, ya baby!

Friend or foe?

The rower should be your friend. Did you you know it is one of the least used pieces of equpiment in the gym, well not at CrossFit Langley so consider yourself lucky if you train here:) or at any CrossFit box!
The American Heart Association estimates that you gain about two hours of life expectancy for each hour of regular, vigorous exercise, and lists rowing as being especially beneficial.

Rowing strengthens and tones muscles in your legs, back, abdomen, shoulders, and arms. Using lots of muscles all over your body means that you can do more exercise and get more of the benefits without tiring out any one set of muscles.

Rowing is primarily aerobic exercise, also known as cardio vascular exercise or simply as cardio. Aerobic exercise uses large muscles, in a continuous rhythmic motion, to elevate your heart rate, and conditions your heart, your arteries, and your lungs. It also does a lot of other good things for you, such as helping control body weight, relieving depression, and helping you sleep better.

5 Rounds

200m row
10-single arm DB H.power clean+push press 35lbs (5 per side)
10-single arm bench press 35lbs (5 per side)

Rest 2 mins
Weighted pullups
3 - 3 - 3 15 ab mat situps between sets
20lbs - 15lbs - 15lbs

Weighted dips
3 - 3 - 3 same situps between rounds
15lbs - 15lbs - 15lbs
1st time doing weighted dips felt pretty good will try heavier next time. The 5 rounds was pretty tough, the rower was brutal even only doing 200m but gotta love the benefits:)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Enjoying every moment.

Day of rest enjoying my animals and family!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The "Challenge" was awesome!

Top picture is my mum lifting a new PR of 235lb and Leanna with a new PR of 245lb, way to go super women!
Everyone was so awesome this was a great event and almost everyone hit new PR's, sweet! We have so many up and coming fire breather it's not even funny! I love CrossFit Langley! Highlights for me were my super mum lifting a 235lbs DL at almost 61 she is kicking some serious butt, then there is the baby fire breathers Leanna and Chad holy crap these two are tough as hell and I know I shouldn't call them baby's but they are only 15 & 13 the CrossFit world has to keep there eyes on these up and coming super stars then there was the mens row it was awesome 4 rowers set up and all 4 men just killing it giving there heart and soul. Congratulations to all the went in look out for the next challenge in about 90 days. Enjoy Fight night people it is going to be awesome!