75lbsX3 - 95lbsX3 - 105lbsX3 - 115lbsX3 - 125lbsX1
100 DU's
I was happy with my OHS but I just got a little off balance and lost the 125 on my 2nd rep and thought that was good for today now I'm wishing I went agian:) Du's were good 1st set I did 32 but the last 20 were sloppy! Working on that bloddy MU today so close I just have to be more focused on it and practice more! Does it never end... Nope that's why it is so addictive I LOVE CROSSFIT! Check out the super fam in Maui www.crossfitmaui.com
Nice pic eh Coach! the de Boer's look so proud and so they should be!! Pretty cool, maybe someday...
Nice job today Mia! Wish I coulda seen those Fing heavy OHS's.. looks like you guys are training hard. see you soon!
Mia im pretty sure your time limits almost up on those du's ??
haha just buggin ya great work were all missing you (i like how on crossfit maui only crossfit langley people posted :P) seeyou soon !!
my bad ment to put muscle up not du's
Honestly Mia, I don't get to talk with you or coach much and hence my interest with your site and blogs. You are such an amazing athlete and your split jerk's and overhead squats are so spot on. I'm no expert by any means but I've done my homework to say the least and I wish I could have been there tonight! Keep it up Lu Lu Lady!
That is pretty cool that Crossfit Langley has an athlete promoting Crossfit in such a huge name company and to the world!
Wow thanks Sterling! I just LOVE x-fit. Everyone wishes you could train at the box more you have awesome energy that is contagious!
Oh crap now I'm posting under different name!
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