Thursday, March 6, 2008

7 Rounds
10 - Ring pushups
10 - Box jumps
7 - Deadlifts 225lb/135lb
125m row
7 - Wall balls 20lb/12lb to 10ft high target

19.05 Rx'd

My body is tired today really had a tough time pushing myself through it today but having Coach D grunt it out beside me helps even though he laped me, bastard! Even the DL's felt heavy today!

Last night was great sharing our love of X-Fit at the Aldergrove Military base. The men and one woman did awesome. We will be visiting them on a weekly bases to put them through a "WOD"
yesterdays WOD was
7 rounds
7 Thurster (using a 35lb box)
7 Burpees
10 box jumps
1 farmers walk carring 2 jerry cans filled with water.
(I even got to hold a weapon, sweet!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
