Saturday, March 15, 2008

Work out of the Day

10 B squats 135/95
10 B jumps
8 B squats 185/115
8 B jumps
6 B squats 225/145
6 B jumps
4 B squats 245/175
4 B jumps
7 Rounds
5 burpee's
5 Hanging DB power cleans 55lbx2/35lbx2
5 Weighted pullups 45lb/15lb
5 ab wheel


Freakin awesome workout I love sets of 5 really the only thing I had to break up were the weighted pull-ups everything else I just blasted straight through. I was buzzing good after this one, I LOVE CROSSFIT!

After CrossFit it was off to my first jumping clinic with my young horse Fraser. It started off a little rough but once all the excitement wore off he was amazing. I was one proud mama!

Okay so at first I was hating the time change but now with the evenings stay light late it is awesome. My other horse Argos was a little jealous that he didn't get to go in a clinic so I took him out for a road hack around my neighborhood now all my ponies are happy:)

1st picture is Argos & 2nd picture is Fraser!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had another perfect day. :)Your kids are beautiful! I agree on the evenings staying lighter now...can't wait for the warm weather WOD's. Should be a blast! Hey my bicep is actually flexing pretty well now and the numbness is definitely less. That's a good sign. Hopefully back to normal by Monday.:)

Mia said...

You are one tough cookie Michelle! I was sad not to see you on Saturday:( Hopefully all is good by Monday!