Saturday, March 1, 2008

The "Challenge" was awesome!

Top picture is my mum lifting a new PR of 235lb and Leanna with a new PR of 245lb, way to go super women!
Everyone was so awesome this was a great event and almost everyone hit new PR's, sweet! We have so many up and coming fire breather it's not even funny! I love CrossFit Langley! Highlights for me were my super mum lifting a 235lbs DL at almost 61 she is kicking some serious butt, then there is the baby fire breathers Leanna and Chad holy crap these two are tough as hell and I know I shouldn't call them baby's but they are only 15 & 13 the CrossFit world has to keep there eyes on these up and coming super stars then there was the mens row it was awesome 4 rowers set up and all 4 men just killing it giving there heart and soul. Congratulations to all the went in look out for the next challenge in about 90 days. Enjoy Fight night people it is going to be awesome!


Chad de Boer said...

Man what a great day thanks for cheering us on and organizing everything can't wait for rock climbing and paintball haha seeya monday : D

Leanna said...

Mia your so funny. I knew it was killing you not competing today. I think you would of given Fern a run for her money. Your mom did AWESOME today, she impressed me the most. See you monday :)

Sheldon Mum said...

CrossFit, Challenge, Children, Coaches, Cameraman, Competitors, Cheerleaders, Chairs! - every single "C" was awesome - such fun!

Sheldon Mum said...

CrossFit, Challenge, Children, Coaches, Cameraman, Competitors, Cheerleaders, Chairs! - every single "C" was awesome - such fun!