Wednesday, December 17, 2008

28" Box jumps 2 sets 10 reps
Tabata box jumps 20"

20 sec on 10 off 8 rds
This was tough!

Rest 2 - 3 mins
Bench press
75lbsx5 - 95lbsx4 - 105lbsX3 - 115lbsx2 - 125lbsx1
work up to heavy single

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


HSPU sub L sit with back to a box over press 25lb DB's
Box jumps
Pistols(one leg squats)

The pistols felt awesome! Nice little workout!

Happy Monday!

Back squat

95lbs - 115lbs - 135lbs - 145lbs - 155lbs

Push jerks

95lbs - 115lbs - 125lbs - 135lbs

Weighted situps 20x2 with ab mat
KB swings 36lb single arm (6 on each, 5 on each etc.)

Starting to feel better with the heavy weights still not where I was but I'm getting more confident with the loads. Fun quick blaster at the end, woot woot!

Friday, December 12, 2008

YA Saturday....................

Partner workout for time:
100 - Deadlifts 65lbs
100 - Box jumps
100 - Hanging power cleans 65lbs
100 - situps
100 - Body rows
100 - DU's
100 - pushups
Split the 100 reps between you and your partner with only 1 person working @ a time.

20mins Rx'd

Thursday's WOD

7 Rounds
10 - DB split jerks 25lb DB
7 - Ring rows from a 20" box
10 - back extensions
10 - pushups
10 - wallballs 12lb

This was a gooder:)
Love training!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

Bench press
5X 85lbs - 5X 95lbs - 5X 105lbs - 3X 115lbs - 3X 115lbs

I know I could have got 5 on my fourth set but my mind is playing tricks on me :)

5 Rounds
7 - Thrusters 65lbs
7 - Burpees

7.10 Rx'd Burpees what a bitch!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Front squat
the weights don't matter and I'm not going to tell them haha! I have to work to get back where I was but I will get there:)

5 Rounds
9 - pull ups
9 - dips on the bench
6 - Hang power cleans 95lbs
25 - DU

Just turtled through! 3 weeks in ya baby!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

5 Rounds
10- bench press 85lbs
14 - pullups
10 - walking lunges with the sandbag on shoulder

Wasn't feeling 100% this am but got -r- done! Looking forward to the weeks to come!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Went to the 5:30 class, the oly lifting class and I'm super pumped about it but I had been waiting to meet Christine all day! So I did the start of the oly class and finished with the bitch!

Push Jerk
did a few sets not even sure the weight just getting back in the groove is what I want!
Front Squat
wasn't digging these today got to 145lbs but struggled.


3rds for time:
500m row
12 - deadlifts 155lbs
21 - box jumps

For once loved the rower ...................... Joke hate it! Deadlifts were hard too! Really just thought about finishing! :) This is one happy post, really loving training at CrossFit Langley again!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Have to admit when I saw this I thought partner WOD - no! I like to do things on my own but it worked out as my partner was awesome, thanks Jesse. We completed in
29 minutes not too shabby :)

Partner WOD
400m run
20-15-10 ring rows
8-6-4 sandbag clean and press 80lb/47lb
30-25-20 situps
2- L sit rope climb
30-25-20 air squats
20-20-20 kb swings 36lbs/25lb 10 per arm
400m run
You and your partner both run 400m then 1 partner does 20 ring rows while you do 20 ring rows then 15 and so on. So you are doing the whole workout but you get recovery while you wait for your partner to complete their portion, You are done when you both get back from the last 400m run.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hanging power cleans
75lbs - 95lbs - 105lbs - 117lbs - 117lbs
25 - 15 - 6
20 - 25 - 8
15 - 20 - 10
1st column pullups2nd column box jumps3rd column sand bags getups.
So wod goes like 25 pullups, 15 box jumps and 6 sandbag gets ups

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Friday's WOD

For time:
25 - wall ball 12lb
50 - box jumps
50 - k2e
2 - rope climbs
50 - pushups
50 - walking lunges
50 - back extensions
25 - wall ball 12lb

Nice blaster!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Big smiles today.......

...... Why? because it's Thursday that's why! M

Warm-up 100 Du's
I got 41 in a row right off the bat killed it!

Jacob's ladder
DL+H.power clean+f.squat+push press
repeat this sequence 5 times total.
Using DB's start with 10lbs and increase by 5lbs each set. Goal is to complete the ladder in under 10 minutes

@ 10 minutes I was @ 45lbs and completed 2 reps. Not bad but I got way more in me.
Time will tell:)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

REST DAY........

Yep needed it already, but I'll be back at her tomorrow:)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 2 what whaat...............

Power Snatch
Clean and jerk

Haven't done the Oly lifts in a while and boy did it feel good didn't go heavy, but not going to lie it felt heavy:) I love the clean and jerks by FAR my fav!

3 Rounds

10 - DB power snatches 20% BW
25 - situps
20 - DU's

Did it in 4 something and felt good!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm back.........

Front Squat


AMRAP in 15 minutes
6 HSPU off the box
6 Pullups
9 air squats

12 rounds
Not the best but for my first day back it felt GOOD!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Warm -up

3X 135lbs
3X 185lbs
3X 205lbs
3X 225lbs
3X 235lbs

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday's WOD

11 Rounds
200m row
5 pull ups
5 DB hanging power cleans
5 Ab wheel

Got the heart pumping and my sweat on! Just a nice little blaster:)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Back Squats

10 - 45lbs
10 - 95lbs
10 - 115lbs
10 - 125lbs
10 - 135lbs

not such a fan of the higher reps but feeling strong and could have gone heavier.
Played around with boxing, dips & OHS!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
95 pound Hang power clean, 12 reps
95 pound Front Squat, 9 reps
95 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps

Holy hell batman!
29.36 rx'd
This hurt mostly a mental game and it was beating me bad today total tear jerker!

Monday, October 6, 2008

What a cow! I could have gotten along much better with Barbara over a bottle of wine but no she insisted on kicking my ass to hell and back and back to hell again.


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

1. 4.16

2. 4.33

3. 4.45

4. 4.52

5. 4.58

My times were good but I sucked royally it's time to shed these extra #'s I felt like a sack of potatoes. Anyway I'm back at her & that's what counts. As for "Barbara" she can go pound sand:)

PS couldn't have done it without my super timer! Thanks Mum.......... mummummummummummummummummummummummummummummummummum

Weekend with my man........

....... Argos and what an athlete he is! So proud of him! Our cross country was probably the best we've done it was such a rush!
Saturday I played a little in my gym but was so tired from my 5am starts from the horse show
but I manage to do a 500m row some strict press my PR is 90lbs but I really want to hit 95 finished with 50 Ab wheels.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday October 1st

I was so tried today but wanted to get in a workout I got home from an awesome lesson with Argos and almost thought of some good excuses not to train but I got her done...........

45lbs X 10
5 X 135lbs - 5 X 205lbs - 3 X 225lbs - 3 X 235lbs - 2 X 265lbs

49 pull-ups
49 push ups
49 KTE's
broken up into 7's

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

500m row warm-up

Back squat
10X 45lb warm up
5X 95lbs - 5X 115lbs - 5X 135lbs - 5X 145lbs - 5X 155lbs

5 rounds
125m row
20 weighted sit-ups


Starting to feel good! On the come back trial now! Squats aren't where they were yet but feeling my strength coming back!

Monday, September 29, 2008

300m row
25 Ring push-ups
300m row
25 KTE
300m row
25 Air squats
300m row
25 Ab wheel

Thruster's 25lbs DB's
Body rows with rings
Deck squat 25lbs

Sunday, September 28, 2008

500m row

Push Jerk
5 X 75lbs - 5 X 95lbs - 5 X 115lbs - 5 X 125lbs - 3 X 130lbs

Just couldn't get the last 2 on my last set!

5 rounds
20 DU's
15 Sit ups
10 ring push ups

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday 27th

Active rest!
Took Argos Cross Country schooling today @ Campbell Valley what a super star he was. Last show of the season is fast approaching.

Friday September 26th

5k run with Ms. Hollie 27.10 haven't hit a PR on my 5k since April which was 26.06 but I'm on the come back trail so my plan is to get in the 25's by January:)

2 - 2 min rounds of boxing

Stiff leg DL's off 10" box
3 X 15 @ 80lbs

2 X 20 @ 125lbs

50 DU's

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Warm - up
4 - 2 min rounds of Boxing fun fun fun felt so good to punch!

10 rounds
5 DB swings
5 Goblet squats
5 push - ups
5 pull - ups
200m row

no time just an awesome sweat with a good partner pushing me through it! Getting back on track and it feels good!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back Squat
95lbs - 115lbs - 135lbs - 145lb - 150lbs

5 X 10 Ab wheels burn baby burn!

Workout was late tonight I had a riding lesson first then trained! My squats were good but I wasn't into going heavier.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Over the weekend I was too focused on Horse stuff! Had a schooling show @ Campbell Valley! Next and last show of the season is October 4th & 5th. So basically I'm fitting in my workouts when I can. Today I played and got a great sweat skipping singles & DU's Worked on Hanging Power cleans with 95lbs
100 push -up
65 pullups
50 KTE's

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday 18th

It was getting late but I had to get something in!

500m row
20 DB split snatch
500m row
20 ab wheel
500m row
20 pullups

3 rounds
7 ring body rows
7 DB bench press

quick but I got a sweat! Still hate the rower:)

Monday, September 15, 2008

400m walking lunges
Holy leg pump:)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back Squats
10 X 45lbs
5 X 95lbs - 5 X 115lbs - 5 X 135lbs - 5 X 145lbs

Push Jerk
10 X 45lbs
5 X 95lbs - 5 X 100lbs - 5 X 105lbs - 5 X 110lbs

5 rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
200m row

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday WOD

So I stolen most of my WOD from Xfit Langley

500m row @ 2 mins

Played around with OHS's boy am I rusty on these!

4 X 145lbs
4 X 205lbs
4 X 215lbs
4 X 225lbs

I thought I'd give the box jumps a try & decided to use my pickup it is 36" I got to 6reps #7 I bailed and did a number on my shin..... sweet! So that was cut short:)

finished with
10 ab wheels

Thursday's WOD

7 Rounds
7 pullups
7 Ab wheel
7 DB H.Power cleans
200m row

Just a good sweat!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

5K run

100 sit ups

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Okay so I've been slaking on the posts yet again whats a girl to do:)

10 -1
B.squats 95lbs
box jumps

The posters up @ Metrotown!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

5 Rounds
3 - Power cleans 95lbs
6 - Pushups
9 - squats
Do this as many x in 3 minutes and then rest 1 minute you just did 1 round

19 rounds rx'd

I got this one off the crossfit Langley site and it was a goodie!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Front Squat
10-10-10-10-10 reps
65lbs - 95lbs - 100lbs - 105lbs - 105lbs

I felt a little wimpy with the weights but I HATE hight reps and yes 10 is high to me give me heavy loads for 1 or 2 reps and I'm happy! My body is sore from yesterday boy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday August 25th


For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Rx'd 53.29

Broke in to 10/20/30 X 10
don't have 1 mile marked out so I did 2 800m runs on my last one I was feeling close to HELL! I had absolutely no positive thoughts in my head just get this bloody thing done.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

For time:
Run 800 meters
65 pound Shoulder press, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
65 pound Push press, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
65 pound Push Jerk, 21 reps


Friday, August 22, 2008

Yippee it's Friday!

Taking a day of rest today! Holy crap my body is tried after this week! Feels so good though to be back on my program:)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday August 21st

500m row
20 H.P Cleans
500m row
20 body rows on the rings
500m row
40 sit ups

5 rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 Air squats

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday 20th


Push Press
45lbs X 10 - 65lbs X 10 - 95lbs X5 - 105lbs X 5 - 95lbs X 5

45lbs X 10
95lbs X 5
135lbs X 5
205lbs X 5
215lbs X 5
225lbs X 5

Ring pushups
10 - 8 - 8 - 6 - 6
Ab wheel
3 X 15

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday August 19th

After working 91/2 hours today I found it tough to get going but once I just got on my gear and went @ her it felt pretty good! I turtled a bit in the workout but I got-r-done!

7 rounds
7 power snatches 45lbs
200m row
10 KTE's
10 Box jumps

KTE's were a b@#%h!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday August 18th

Okay so today is where I'm getting back on track after taking sometime off and getting use to a new routine.
Last time I did this workout I did 140lb BS but thought I would do 95lbs today I could have gone heavier but tomorrow when I'm still walking I'll be happy I did 95lbs:)

12 Bench Press 35lb DB's / 12 Back squat 95lbs / 15 pullups / 300m row
9 Bench Press 35lb DB's / 9 Back squat 95lbs / 12 pullups / 300m row
6 Bench Press 35lb DB's / 6 Back squat 95lbs / 9 pullups / 300m row
3 Bench Press 35lb DB's / 3 Back squat 95lbs / 6 pullups / 300m row

3x10 Ab wheels

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday August 5th

2000m row
time was low 8's but don't know exact
Played around with some pull-ups and Ab wheel after I recovered:)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

M.I.A ....... Still

So I lied! No posts from me this week but next week I will get back on top of it! (starting Tuesday) Still trying to get use to my new routine:)

Monday, July 28, 2008


Okay so I have been M.I.A the past week. I have been doing my workoust just haven't posted them! I will be back in action today with the posts:)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

5K run

3 rounds
10 pull-ups
10 Ab wheels

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday's WOD

Warm - up

500m row
25 H. Power cleans 30lb DB's
500m row
25 Push press 30lb DB's
500m row
25 Ab wheels

60 - 40 - 20
Box Jumps
Air squat

Well the sweat was pouring on this one! Felt awesome got to train side by side with my super mum, what could be better:)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday July 17th

Warm - up
100 skips X 4 15 sec rest between sets

5 rounds
10 push-ups
10 KTE's
10 Dips
10 pull-ups
200m run

22 minutes Rx'd. Arms are pumped

Cool down nice country side roller blade:)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday WOD



185lbs - 195lbs - 205lbs - 215lbs - 225lbs

Felt good to deadlift a heavy load! No PR's but felt good:)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

Warm - up
hour and 30 minute bike ride with my super mummy around beautiful South Langley

4 rounds
15 OHS - 65lbs
15 pull - ups
200m run

Okay so I thought the the OHS would be the death of me today they were so freakin hard!

Bambi came to visit!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday and Sunday

Rest days!

Friday's WOD

5 Rounds

5 Deadlifts 185lbs
10 Burpees

This one was short and sweet! I wouldn't want to have done this one in the blazing sun in Cali!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

100 - Shoulder presses 65lb
Every time you put down the weight run 200m.

11.11 Rx'd
this is how this one went for me
I wanted longer runs, what a freakin shoulder burn!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

5 Rounds
5 - Power cleans 155/100lb
9 - Pullups
12 - Single DB Bench press 40lb (6 per side)

Holy crap the 40lbs was HEAVY! Moved like a turtle on this one!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

As many rounds in 20 minutes:
5 - Deadlifts 225/135
10 - Pushups
10 - Single arm DB snatches 35/25lb
200m run
9 + 5 DL's Rx'd

Before my workout my girl Robin from Lululemon joined me for a taste of x-fit and she did awesome. She took the bus all the way to Langley just to get her sweat on:)
Warm -up
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

3 Rounds

15 - B. Press 75lbs - 400m run
15 - B. Press 75lbs - 400m run
12 - B. Press 75lbs - 400m run
3 Rounds
15 - B squats 75lbs - 50 box step ups
15 - B squats 85lbs - 50 box step ups
10 - B squats 95lbs - 50 box step ups

Great workout!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

500m row
50-box step ups
500m row
25-wall ball
500m row

3 Rounds
6-Power snatch-OHS-B.squat-good morning-push press 55lbs
Most important is to use a weight that you can keep correct form. The weight only touches the ground for a split second, not as a rest.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I'm back ...........

5 Rounds
5 squat cleans 135/95lb
10 ab wheel rollouts
As many rounds in 10 minutes:
10 pullups
10 dips

Holy crap that was hard must of been a GOOD weekend oops ...... back at'er!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wednesday WOD

3 Rounds
6 - Power snatch - OHS - back squat - good morning - push press - bent over row
Do not let the weight rest on the ground 53lb - 63lb - 67lb

3 Rounds
10 - Hang squat cleans 75lbs
2 min box step ups

3 Rounds
12 - Front squats 75lbs
500m row @ 2 min pace

Holy tough one batman! Hollie fun fun fun with YOU!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

7 Rounds
10 - pullups
10 - box jumps
10 - DB split snatches 30lb DB
10 - Ab wheels

13.16 RX'd

How you like them apples:) Maybe I need less apples so I can get my butt moving faster!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday's WOD

Push Press 10 X75lbs
8 X85lbs
6 X95lbs
4 X115lbs
2 X120lbs
2 X125lbs
2 X130lbs

Squat clean
8 X95lbs
6 X105lbs
4 X110lbs
2 X120lbs
2 X125lbs
1 X136lbs PR
1 X141lbs PR

250m row X4
7 push press 35lb DB's X4
7 Pullups X4
7 Situps X4


Sunday, June 22, 2008

5k day!

5k run 27. something (not a PR)
5k bike 12. something (need to go longer)

My bloody knee was hurting while running so now it's time for ice and advil:)

Friday, June 20, 2008

June 20th Super mummy's birthday!

Today I get to spend the whole day with one of the most amazing women on earth..... MY MUM! Happy Birthday!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

11 Rounds

5 KB swings
5 Box jumps
5 K2E
5 Sandbag to shoulder
5 Goblet squats 45lb

Rx'd 12.32

Front Squat

3 Rounds
10 Burpees jump over a heavy bag(working lateral movement)
20 single arm DB swing 35lb
14 ab wheels
7 pullups
RX'D 8.45
The pullups were then break on this one so that says it all coming from ME!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

11 Rounds

  • 5 - Sandbag power cleans
  • 5 - Pistols (one legged squats)
  • 5 - Burpees
  • 5 - K2E
  • 100m row
24.10 Rx'd
Tough yet a great sense of satisfaction! :)

Monday's WOD

Warm-up 400m jog

Back Squat
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups
5X 165lbs - 7 L-Kipping pull ups

Body rows
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips
5X 135lbs - 5 ring dips

I saw this WOD and though sweet just what I'm up for today but those bloody squats were hard. Just happy to get-r-done!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Pictures coming soon
3 Rounds
Row 20sec on 10sec off 4x
2 - min of 5 pullups and 7 pushups

This one beat me up that rower sure takes it out of you and if you think the rower is fun PULL HARDER! Didn't count my rounds in the 2 min but I was struggling!

As many rounds in 10 minutes of:
9 - SDHP 65
9 - Dips on station
9 - Situps
200m run

Challenging yet rewarding! My dips were a struggle but the last WOD was an awesome blast I love doing the short runs!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

500m row
500m row
20-Ab wheels
500m row
15- Push press 65lb

3 Rounds
10-Stiff leg deadlifts 85lbs

3 Rounds
20-deadlifts 125lb
Finish with 40 walking lunges

Hard yet satisfying!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday's WOD

5 Rounds
5-Power cleans 95lbs
5-DB Bench press 40lbx2db
rest 60sec and repeat
I love strength training!

5 Rounds for time:
10-db split snatches 30lbs (5 per side)
10-Ring push ups
2-rope climbs

Finished in 8min something Rx'd the whole WOD today made my arms tired:)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Barbell complex
6X -
The 95lbs felt heavy but finished Rx'D

3 Rounds
6 - pullups
6 - pushups
6 - push press (sandbag)
6 - DB swings 45lb
6 - K2E

Don't know my time but completed Rx'd

What does Rx'd mean? That you preform exactly what the workout is. The awesome thing about Crossfit is that everything is scalable to the level of the athlete the goal is to Rx all workouts but most athletes take time to build up to a CrossFit WOD.

No training this weekend it was all about Brianne and David's "BIG DAY"

Friday, June 6, 2008

Front squats
115lbs - 125lbs - 145lbs
Bench press
85lbs - 95lbs - 105lbs

Ring dips
3 sets of max reps These were barley happening today I think I got 2 in a row SWEET:) Okay what can I say I think my body was tired....... holy excuses!!!!!
14 ab wheel 4X's

Holy crap was I dragging my ass today! Just basically went through the motions to get r done

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Team Ladder
5 - Rounds 1-3 Push jerk @ 80%BW
I used 115lbs and my arms were spent by round 2! I worked with the super team Chad and Leanna & got-r-done:)

1 - Set each arm 1-4 TGU 35lb
Right arm really was no problem left arm was a little harder thats for sure.

1-10-1 Elevated pushups feet must be higher than hands

Unfortunately I didn't get to finish this part as we were running over time and my bootcamp crew was ready to rock and roll! I got to the first set of 9 and I was struggling bad that was one tough SOB! I'll have to try and make up for that today:)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

5 Rounds
7 - Hanging DB cleans 30lb DB's
15- DU's
4-Sandbag around the world

My DU's sucked today which is frustrating because usually I can fire those bad boys out! All felt good 8:02 Rx'd

Weighted Pullups
5-5-5-5 15lb DB
All broken up I have a real challenge with these bloody things but it's slowly getting better. CrossFit can always point out your weakness but it's about over coming them and working with what you got. Everyone has their own strengths & weaknesses!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Monday's WOD

3 Rounds
Rowing 20 sec. on 10 sec. off 4x
2 - minutes of 5 pushups and 5 pullups

The rows felt good my legs were getting a good pump. Not sure how many rounds I got of the push & pulls but I wasn't moving super fast I was actually being a bit of a wimp because my hands are sore:)

4 Rounds
6 - Sandbag to shoulder full clean + 12 sandbag getups

This one was awesome I love this sort of training!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Leanna & I Team up:
200 pullups
250 pushups
300 squats
5 rounds of:
12 h. power cleans 65lbs 1 round I did 8 with 95lbs holy hard!
200m run

Leanna is one tough girl! That was a fun one way to get-r-done girl! Enjoy the sun all and have a great weekend:)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday May 29th WOD

Ladder 12-1
DB Push press 30lb
Jumping lunge
Ab mat situp
DB hang power cleans 30lb

17min Rx'd Holy forearm burn!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Clean and Jerk
83lbs x2 - 103lbsX2 - 123lbsX1 2nd attempt failed

Strict Press

73lbsX2 - 83lbsX2 - 93lbs failed

4 Rounds
5 - big box jumps
10 - Burpees
10 - Ab wheels
4 - sandbag to shoulders


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday May 27th 2008

11 Rounds
8 - pullups
5 - Sandbag walking lunge
5 - Dumbell split snatch 30lbs
Finished in 12min something! This was fun but brutal on the hands. Around round 4 I thought oh boy this is going to hurt:)

5 Rounds
5 - pullups
10 - Pushups
200m run
7.33 Nice little blaster felt great!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday's "WOD"

400m row @ 2 min pace
40 box step ups
400m row
40 Single arm KB swing(20 per arm) used 36lb KB
400m row
40 K2E
First one was a good one to get the heart pumping! I have to say thoses bloody KTE's were the hardest. The snigle arm KB swings were good I just pumped out 20 on each side without stopping.

7 Rounds
7-Deadlifts 155lb
2-Over the shoulder sandbag toss

8:27 RX'd
This was an ass kicker my hands felt like they were being ripped apart I could barley hold the bar for DL's my technique started to get sloppy at the end. Those DL's were just messing me up, but gott-r-done:)

Friday, May 23, 2008


Thanks to Jordan for this gem who got it from Crossfit Unlimited.



So you have a friend who is way into the bodybuilding style of working out. You really want him/her to see the light and start CrossFitting. He/she is not ready to give up the Bi's/Tri's day or spending 30 minutes of quality time on the elliptical. Don't worry! I will give you the perfect way to "flip" him/her. First you need to remember this takes time. It's very hard for him/her to accept that the last 7 years of working out to "be fit" have for the most part been a waste of time. There are 5 stages the recruitee must go through.

1. Denial - This usually comes out in some sort of excuse. Ex - "I don't want to lose size" , "You guys never hit arms" The response to this should be "I'm not asking you to give up your routine just give it a try once, when you're ready of course."

2. 1st WOD - This a a step in the right direction. It never fails they love it but don't want to sound too hyped. Tell them they did great and should do this a couple times a week for a month to see "some gains".

3. Cherry Pickin with isolation days - They pick and choose a WOD a couple times a week and still hit up arms and chest on the other days.

4. Cherry Pickin no more isolation - This is usually about 3 months after 1st WOD. They understand and accept the isolation crap is waste of time for their goals but hate running or certain movements because they're hard. So they'll do Cindy twice a week and fight gone bad twice a week and maybe fran so they can have a "fran time"

5. Full on CrossFitter - They finally try following only posted WOD for 1 month and see tremendous results. It's done...another lifetime crossfitter is born.

This process takes up to 6 months for some long time gym rats. Let it play out! Don't pressure them. Just plant CrossFit seeds..."You'll love this stuff" "You should workout with me today" "Let's do a crossfit workout one day when you're ready".

Whatever you do don't start bagging on their one arm dumbbell curls. There are some people out there who know a good thing when they see it and are flipped from day 1, but that's rare. Have fun with this and see how many you can flip...HAHAHAHAHA(evil cult like laughing tone).

*that is Izzi-B my Whippet in the picture above she is the ultimate x-fitter:)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5 Rounds
  • 5 - Burpee thruster 25lb DBX2
  • 10 - DU's
  • 10 - Sandbag around the world.

Crap those around the world were a bitch!

3 Rounds
  • 7 - "bear complex" 75lbs
Tough but fun! Rested only for seconds on my traps a few time before my back squat but really just kept that bar moving:)

Lululemon Photo shoot!

Today was my photo shoot for Lululemon. The photographer, Robin was awesome so she made it easy and a lot of fun! The rain held off and I think we got some good shots. We were at Marine Park in Burnaby which is right across from Deep Cove where I was born and raised. They took shots of me doing a few kicks, KB stuff, handstands and push ups by the water on 2 old dock posts. Now it's up to Lulu to chose the photo they like for the poster that will go in the Metrotown store, hopefully it's a good one and not just one that shows their logo:)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First time for "Helen"

So coach lent me the KB for my lululemon photo shoot tomorrow and I thought I'd take advantage of it and pump out the lovely lady "Helen"

3 rounds
400m run
21 KB Swings
12 pull-ups

9.55 Rx'd

My goal was sub 10 so I'm pleased! What a short nasty bitch though:)

Friday, May 16, 2008


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions sub with good mornings using 45lb bar
50 Sit-ups

ME 22.36

Hollie 24.00

What an awesome day and an awesome training partner! This was tough the runs were the hardest for me but a fun blaster! Now I'm ready for a weekend of FUN & SUN!

Missed you this morning Stacey:)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

First time meeting "Cindy"

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

19 rounds Rx'd

Really happy with that but of course not satisfied. That was a butt kicker just loved it!

Stacey did a mod Cindy
10 j.pull-ups
10 push-ups from knees
15 squats
14 rounds + J.pulls & push-ups
Awesome job girl way to tough it out!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy sweet 16!

Have an awesome day Leanna I hope you get lots of goodies! Love ya you x-fit superstar:)
As most of you know Leanna is not your typical 16 year old she is bad ass and an awesome athlete. 1 of a kind!

Okay that's enough now GO TRAIN HARD!

So my back is still bugging me but I got a call from lululemon today saying my photo shoot is next week so not training is just not an option so I designed a workout that I thought I could handle and it kicked my butt!

10 rounds for time
5 Goblet squats 35lb DB
5 Deadlift 135lbs (didn't want to go heavier because of my back)
5 Push ups
5 Pull-ups
150m row

Mia 21.06 Rx'd
Stacey 25.13
Super Mummy 26.20 (jumping pull-ups)